Recent studies suggest that acupuncture may boost fertility by regulating fertility hormones, increasing the flow of blood to the reproductive organs, by counteracting the effects of PCOs and by improving the quality and quantity of sperm. Discover More.
Acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective complementary treatment to tackle some less enjoyable aspects to being pregnant at a time where drugs may not be safe to use. Lay down the foundations for a healthy future for your baby. Discover More.
Supporting you in all phases of your life: menstrual disorders, sexual problems, female/male infertility, pregnancy, post-partum, menopause, etc. Discover More
Helping balancing body, mind and spirit. Traditional acupuncture is an evidence based, cost effective choice for a number of conditions including conditions that do not respond well to conventional medicine.
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Maria Rossi, Lic. Ac. MBAcC is a fully qualified and licensed Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and 5-Element Acupuncturist. After leaving Italy she worked for many years in UK in a corporate environment. Passionate about natural methods to improve health she decided to put aside her corporate career to study acupuncture at the renowned College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (Reading, UK) where she graduated after 3 years and 1/2 training.
Maria has undertaken further studies in obstetrics, gynaecology and fertility to help women of all ages dealing with their gynaecological, fertility and obstetrics problems in a more natural and safe way. She is currently enrolled in a one-year Paediatric Acupuncture course with Rebecca Avern, one of the world’s leading experts in paediatric acupuncture, which will conclude in March 2025. By combining traditional acupuncture techniques like acupuncture, moxa and cupping and by taking a holistic approach to your symptoms, she aims to address the root of the problem. With acupuncture Maria helps repair and re-align your body and mind’s energy to restore balance and wellness.
Maria is a Member of the British Acupuncture Council and this ensure all her treatments adhere to the highest standards of competency and safety. She is also a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network in UK and of the Acupuncture Childbirth Team in London.